Ontario Local Schools

Ontario High School


Winter Signing Day

Band Performance at the Cavs Game



Biology DNA

Biology students are studying DNA structure and function.  As part of the lab experience, students extracted DNA from a live strawberry.  The DNA structure and extraction process is surprisingly similar to a human.

Science Club Boba

Science Club made boba the other day after school!

Senior Night Swim Meet

FCCLA Career Day with the Blue Jackets

Back in December, FCCLA attended the FCCLA career day with the Blue Jackets. They offered a great experience for students to engage with their speaker panel, win door prizes, tour the NHL arena, skate on the ice, attend a safe driving workshop and ended the day watching the Blue Jackets play against the Washington Capitals.

2nd Quarter Highest Honor

All A's Everbowl Treat

Drug Free Seniors at Stingel

OHS Administrative Staff

Principal - Chris SmithAssistant Principal - Jonathan King
Athletic Director - Jeff Fisher
Secretary - Kayla Cain

Athletic/Attendance Secretary - Deb Eddleblute
Guidance Counselors - Veronica Cain and Kelly Conn
Secretary - Cassie Amick
FAX - 419-747-6859
Attendance Line - 419-755-2000
Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator -  Cathleen Johnson
Resource Officer - Scott Dawson
Military Family Liaison
Kelly Conn
School Counselor
Military Resources:

School Year Calendar

Lunch Menu

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